who we are

The North Lexington Baptist Church is a conservative cooperating Southern Baptist Church in good standing with the Liberty Baptist Association, the North Carolina Baptist State Convention and the Southern Baptist Convention


we believe

We believe that God is our Creator: Gen 1:1ff

We believe that Jesus is God in Flesh: Jn1:1ff

 We believe that Jesus was born of a virgin.       Luke 1:26ff

 We believe that Jesus died on a cross, was buried and rose again on the third day for payment of mans sins, past, present and future: John 3:16


We believe that there is one way to heaven and that is through Jesus: John 14:6


We believe that the Bible is the complete and inspired Word of God with no error.

 We believe that the local church is an autonomous body.

 We believe that the priesthood of the believer.


We believe in a literal heaven and literal hell.

We believe in the second coming of Jesus Acts 1:11

 We believe we are to "make DISCIPLES” Mt 28:20

“This is a brief statement of our beliefs. Each comes from the word of God



our values

nlbc core values

To love the Lord God with all our hearts, soul and might.


To love others as ourselves.


To teach/preach God’s Word.


To practice worship.


To do missions.


To fellowship with one another and with our Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ.


To promote freedom.


To do the Great Commission.